Are You Training At The Proper Intensity?


By Paul Dexter, Copyright

On the chart above, you can find your age, and then slide over to the proper range for you to improve your conditioning, and/or fat loss.
You must be aware, that once you are no longer a “novice”, you must challenge yourself towards the “heavy intensity” side. As I mentioned before, HIIT (high intensity interval training), is optimal for conditioning and/or fat loss. HIIT takes your heart rate to 85-90% at its peak interval.
The higher your heart rate, the more calories are burned, and the EPOC is higher post-workout – leading to an elevated metabolism 24-36 hours after the workout is finished.

Living Healthy – ish

I have been a Personal Trainer for over 23 years trying to motivate people who hate eating healthy and hate exercising to go against every

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We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are. Seems simple enough, but people never seem to commit to something long

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When are we going to learn?! Are we gullible or just infinitely lazy? We keep falling for it every time. For almost 100 years now,